WHY IS IT SO HARD?! This is a slight vent.

I have a stack of ideas that I want to turn into short stories and books.  However, I can’t seem to get my ass in gear.  My concentration is absolutely not around and when I do finally get that sensation of NEEDING to write, life happens.  I get distracted by people needing me, me needing people, me having a sudden thought of doing something.  As my blog is called, my mind mess is extremely messy and not matter how much I try to write down what I’m doing, I end up still being a mess.  I’m in the process of getting all my notes into one notebook so I can easily find what I need.  Not sure how I’m going to do that.  I might have to go get one of those good notebooks that is separated into 5 subjects or something.  Not sure how that will work…  I hate being disorganized but I can’t seem to get myself organized.  I have way too many projects, not just writing, but personal as well.  Sometimes I wonder if I can get my personal life organized, then I can get my writing self organized.  But I don’t want to put my dream on hold anymore.  I have put it on hold in order to finish school, get married, raise kids, working, volunteering…  I just want everything to work out perfectly but I know that it won’t.  Even as I type this, I have a beautiful daughter who is talking my ear off and can’t seem to comprehend that I’m trying to work as I try to spend time with her.  So, think of me as you all work on your projects, as you write.  Send motivation, concentration, and inspiration my way, because I’m scared that my dream of being published will never happen.  Hell, I’m scared that my dream of getting a book done will never happen.

5 thoughts on “WHY IS IT SO HARD?! This is a slight vent.

  1. Hello, Sam. It’s nice to meet you. I know exactly how you feel especially the stories stuck in your head part. I’ve resorted to always carrying a little notebook in my purse. I don’t think it worked for me but it might for you. See you around.


    1. I carry a notebook as well. I always have one on me just in case. I also use the video recorder on my phone. I have found that has come in VERY handy. The only problem with that is sometimes I’m in a place where using the recorder or pulling out my notebook isn’t possible. The other problem is that I have MANY notebooks laying around with different ideas or different notes for my books…and then I forget what book the note goes to. I have to really figure out a better organizational system for my notes. LOL

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      1. LOL I don’t know about more. I just need to consolidate all of my notes into one notebook. Then I can have a travel notebook and one that sits on my desk. 🙂
        I hope you find a system that works for you. 🙂

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